Adding iOS 14 Custom Icons

Jasdip Chauhan
3 min readFeb 26, 2021
I really like the Toronto Raptors, so I decided to create a Toronto Raptors iOS 14 icon pack.

Here’s how to add custom icons so your iPhone aesthetic could look like the above. I am using the icon pack that I made ( but any pictures can work. I suggest exporting icons in PNGs with dimensions of 500px by 500px so no sharpness is lost when you import them.

These are the steps you need to take:

Step 1: Open the ‘Shortcuts’ app

Step 2: Hit the plus icon on the top right

Step 3: Hit the ‘Add Action’ button

Step 4: Search for ‘Open app’ in the search bar

Step 5: Hit the ‘Open App’ button

Step 6: Tap on ‘Choose’ and select the app that you wish

Step 7: Tap on the button ‘…’ on the top right

Step 8: Type out the name of the Icon in the textfield and tap on the grey image beside it to choose the new icon

Step 9: Find the Icon either through photos/local storage/iCloud

Step 10: You’re done!!!

Enjoy your new icon and revamp the look of your phone!

